

December 10th, 2015

In response to "Flaws in the medical system: Babies and moms slipping through the cracks"


Sharon, a dental hygenist of Hardin Valley, responded:

"Amen Sister. Fool me once on my 1st baby being undiagnosed for her ptt [posterior tongue tie] and bullied into formula...created a momma bear who fought through the failure to thrive for answers and got 2 revisions on her own with no help from the pediatricians, only navigating thru the hardest battle of her life via Facebook support groups. Tongue tie babies support group led me to a preferred provider after a botched revision, helped me learn to supplement and nurse, sought IBCLC help, and I found a provider for CST [Cranio Sacral Therapy] on "knox breastfriends". My biggest regret and saddest thing in my life was stopping nursing my 2 week old 1st baby because my pediatrician told me my milk was bad and I'd kill her if I didn't switch to formula. I'm so grateful for real support on FB because I was so lost and determined to make it work. My 2nd baby was failure to thrive for 5 weeks but I never took him from the breast despite the pain and found my own providers to make it possible to have him exclusively breastfeed without supplement at 3 months old. Knowledge is power. We just have to keep opening our mouths and share our experiences to help each other when pediatricians just bully and send you home crying feeling hopeless because they are uneducated on lactation and tongue-tie."

She agreed to allowing me to share her story. She emphasized that despite her education and profession, even she did not know about ankyloglossia until she experienced it and sought out help. 
She said it, and I will say it again: Knowledge is power

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